Joey, Emily, Jeffrey, Randy, Spike, George, Scott, Kris, Dave, Brad, Bill, Zach, Rob, Holly, Meredith, Rich, Danielle, Jason, Rene, Rasmus, Andrew, Cindy, Sam, Dubble, John, Gary, Steven, Chris, Chris, Carly, JAMES GORDON, David, Dave, Dorothy, Chris, Ryan, Sam, David, Jon, Cameron, Karl, and a whole slew more that I didn't get a good chance to talk to that much, and should have. It was a blast, oh my goodness. Here is a picture pool of NEWW that you c
an rummage thru. The ones I took are here.
Unfortunately, Gunshow took a bit of a hit and I was only able to eek out one comic this week. Sorry for that. Getting back and dealing with school/money/looking for a new apartment took up my time. But, I'll be back in full effect next week. This weekend tho, you get a saturday and sunday of HV to make up for last sunday. That is going to happen, oh yes. There Will Be Blood.
Soon I am gonna have some new sketchbooks to auction off! One that is fresh and recently finished and one from two years ago?!?!? WHICH WILL BE FIRST?? Stay tuned. And also soon: SHIRTS???? STAY EVEN MORE TUNED.