Me and John Campbell are gonna be stinkin up the Southfork Hotel in Plano, TX this Saturday (Nov. 14th) for the DALLAS WEBCOMICS EXPO (DWEX). Doors open at 11am, and we will try to get there for that. I got mini comics, gunshow vol1, prints, and deals with wheels. So come on down.
Me and John Campbell are gonna be stinkin up the Southfork Hotel in Plano, TX this Saturday (Nov. 14th) for the DALLAS WEBCOMICS EXPO (DWEX). Doors open at 11am, and we will try to get there for that. I got mini comics, gunshow vol1, prints, and deals with wheels. So come on down.
Revenge of some Nerds (but not all)
Comes with a free Anime Club mini comic, made especially for this sale! Contains the first four AC strips, the "Last Con on the Left" story, parts 1, 2, and 2.5, a teaser image at part 3, and two variant covers!
Get some now while those mini comics last, oh lordy lordy.
Disclaimer: please do not kill all nerds, at least not while wearing this shirt. Thank you.
Prince Walpapere
Some big butt-faced news for alla y'all.
We got Gunshow prints/posters/ wallmounts/ installations for sale/preorder/when i get enough money (oh god).
An Anime Club wallpaper (same at print/poster) at various sizes for various tastes.
And don't forget DWEX (in Dallas, TX) on November 14th. I am still gonna be there with John, Scott, Randy, Rob and others and we will make faces at ya. I will have copies of Gunshow vol1, a mini comic of the "Crab's Lost Love" story, hopefully a new sketchbook mini comic called "Your Wizard Days are Over", and also hopefully the prints/wallscrolls mentioned earlier. See you there?? (??)
Today's amazing blog pic is an amazing version of the Anime Club drawn by the amazing Jessica Mahon.
gunshow books being shipped
Gunshow book preorders are being prepped and they will be shipping this week. Thank you for your patience, everyone.
Some things of interest:
I will be at the Dallas Webcomics Expo on November 14th. Haven't gotten a table assignment yet, but I will let you know. I will have copies of QHP and some new mini comics. And I think this man will be joining me at the table.
I put up a support page on Gunshow, which includes a donation button and a reopening of custom art and custom comics. More info on the page, but I will put up a better commission page soon. Anything is welcomed. will close up it's doors soon as it is a site that reminds me of a lot of old high schoolish things. I'll be working on a new main site that is hopefully a bit more professional?? Or at least I can show it to people without getting too embarrassed. That's in the future tho. Not sure when.
I got another sketchbook up for auction! This one contains some comics that were used in my old comic Droop Power! And a lot of material that has never been seen! Please go down town on that auction!
Also, as far as I'm concerned, the Gunshow Vol1 book is going to be printed. Thanks you all of you who preordered! And to those who didnt, GUESS WHAT! YOU STILL CAN! I'm goin for a big run, so if you still want a copy, you can still preorder one! I'll be sure to update you when orders go out.
The first Gunshow collection, entitled QUESTION HOUND'S PUZZLETORIUM, is now ready for preorder! I'm gettin the funds ready to get me some books and I need your help to get 'em!
So please order one and/or tell others about it! Anyone you think might like silly jokes, dirty jokes, Watchmen parodies, Scott Pilgrim parodies or puns about egg nog! Tell the hell out of them about Gunshow and this book!
We got some mini comics up for sale on Etsy! A quick rundown!!
Gunshow The 3 Minis: collecting the 3 mini comics that came before the webcomic! Limited supply in stock! More could be made if the demand is high.
Anime Club: Collecting the first four gunshow comics and the entire "porn at the library" story!
The Cold Guts: brand new sketchbook mini. New material NEVER BEFORE SEEN
Frikkin Gnomes: Probably the last time I will reprint this mini comic! Get on now or NEVER AGAIN.
Did i mention that I will also be doodling in every order? For free???? Buy some now!
I will be at Connecticon '09 this weekend! Artist Coloney! Table 67B! If you are lost, ask someone who works there! I will not be held responsible for your lack of a sense of direction!!! >:0 Here is a fun promo page for my trip there!
I will have minis, oh yes. The Gunshow 3 Minis, THE COLD GUTS (new sketchbook mini), Cleanest Boy with the Nicest Hair (old sketchbook mini), Frikkin Gnomes (classic fav), and if we can get them done by then, a mini comic version of the ANIME CLUB, which would include the original 4 comics from Gunshow and the entire Part 1 of their story!
So, stop on by! Come say hi!
Guest Strips and Limited Prints

All Gunshow 3 Minis have been shipped off! Hopefully you'll get yours soon if you ordered one. If I got any leftover from Conneticon, I'll pop them online to sell. And if they demand is high, I'll make more. But for now, that looks like that for GS3M!
Anyway! I'm now starting preorders on some Limited Prints of the Gunshow Watchmen Parody Comics I did for a week. Check out the comics here and if you like them, get a print or two! I'm gonna let this go for a week, so get some now! IF U DARE.
MORE GUEST COMICS!!! Kinokofry and Bellen! are lookin handsome with some KC in 'em, oh yeah >:0

I did a guest for Wondermark! Go look at it! PLEASE!
Preorders for GUNSHOW: THE 3 MINIS are still happening! But if you are going to go to Conneticon this July, you might want to pick one up there! From me! I'm totally going! It says so on their website!
Also, you better have firefox before you go to that site, cus it ONLY works best in Firefox, okay?
Gunshow: The 3 Minis Preorder
Now for Pre-order! It's a collection of the original Mini-comics I did before Gunshow was a webcomic! This is like 2006-2007 material!! Stuff that isn't online! 56 pages for 5 dollars or 8 dollars if you want a personalized sketch in there. Go here for previews from each issue. Shipping July 5th !!!!!! Oh my!!!!
Whew! I also recently did a guest for Left Handed Toons. Check it out! Also did a little thing for Patrick Alexander's "Raymondo Person," who sent me a hand made copy of a RP collection! It's literally the best thing I've gotten from someone and I can't recommend reading this comic enough. Just... Just do it, ok!!
rent's due
So the Etsy shop has been restocked! These will likely be the last you see of the mini comics for sale online, so get 'em now if you haven't.
Also I have another sketchbook up for auction. This one is from 2007 and contains a lot of comics I did inside it. Most have never been seen by other online eyes. Some have! It also contains my Hourly comic for that year, and the "story board" for the video HOW TO DRAWWWW. Please bid and help a man live :0
horribleville is over
I ended my comic Horribleville this sunday. It's time to celebrate its life, instead of mourning it's death.
And who could ever forget this dude-hole.
Anyway! A book is in the works for a Complete (?) collection of HV. I am hoping to include a lot of extra stuff in there too, but that is unknown for now. We got to work on the layout of the actual comics first and that is proving tougher than I hoped. Anyway, there should not be that big a problem when I also do a Gunshow vol. 1 collection.
gunshow's back
Oh shoot, I shoulda told y'all Monday. Gunshow is back in operation, but now on a sporadic schedule of sorts. I will try to update when I can, but I got some things to work on besides gunshow that need attention also.
As for how to find out about updates, RSS feeds are the thing these days with people. Sometimes the only thing! But they are okay, I guess. And there is one for gunshow, so there's that. I also have a twitter in which I will post when it updates. You may enjoy that more. It is like I am talking to you, sorta. I also post stupid things there a lot, in case that might be a problem. Sorry.
I hear tell there may be more shirts in the making. I hear tell, I hear. ~_~
duck and ape
Duck and Ape on Vimeo. You can also find it on YouTube. Music is by Asleep in the Sea. They were a really good band. Lance colored the pictures.

Seems to be doing well! I might restock if the demand is there for some of them, as I only had little copies of Frikkin Gnomes and WC2 left.
Also, I should mention, all orders from the Etsy Shop will get their copies Signed and Sketched™ in be me! Get in there while the gettin is good!
Sketchbook Ebay
I got a new Sketchbook Auction up! LOOK AT IT!!! LOOK AT IT AND BID!!! BIDDD!!!!! YYYEEEAAAHHHHHH.
That is if you want to, please.
Also, this new program called Algebra Vision is up for sale! It's an education program that I did some art for! If you are a teacher or bad at Algebra, maybe try it???? Or maybe you got a kid you wanna teach algebra! This is for you!
Break Time
Dear readers, I need to take a break from Gunshow for awhile. I can't really deal with a daily comic right now, as multitude of things need taking care of first. One big one is moving. I'm already at the new place, but I still need to get the smaller things and also clean up the old apartment. Basically, shit you don't care about.
"I don't care about you, KC" you cry, "I just want comics!" Well, Gunshow will be on hold while I fix things here, but Horribleville will continue, as I plan to end it with strip #150, and I would like to keep with that schedule. I'll keep you updated on when Gunshow returns. Just subscribe to the RSS feed for easy updates about it.
SHIRT NEWS: To those who bought a shirt from Topatoco: Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. Unfortunately, one design had to be pulled for lack of preorders, but Where One Falls, More Will Stand. I got at least 3 more in the works, so don't you worry. I'll make sure you know about that too.
Thank you, again.
It happened again, dear readers!! >Someone took a Horribleville and spruced it up, but actually ANIMATING IT!!! Wowzers! And they up the Creep Factor on this one almost..... Too well.
OHHWHATTHE!! Ha ha! Faaaaantastic.
Hey! A fan made a puppet reenactment of last Saturday's HV! It's the keenest knees so, check it out:
That is just killer. This needs to happen more GUYS >:|
'Nother cool thing going around: Michael Kupperman's blog! He is the best cartoonist and one of my favorites. Go read some of that then go pick up his series "TALES DESIGNED TO THRIZZLE." Also don't forget about MY SHIRTS ON SALE AT TOPATOCO, okay good bye.
Can you Frikkin believe this ^^^ Cus I really can't. Especially that third one, oh my god. Do you guys really want that on a shirt?? Let's find out together.
Sorry if you are being overloaded on these ads on all my sites, but I am about to move into a new place soon and I need a stable income coming in to help pay for rent, deposits, and other random fees and this is the biggest thing that is happening with me right now that could help me the hell out, save for an actual part-time job. But, I would rather draw comics for you all day and make a shirt every now and then. And I hope you are one to want more comics too! Yeah!
Joey, Emily, Jeffrey, Randy, Spike, George, Scott, Kris, Dave, Brad, Bill, Zach, Rob, Holly, Meredith, Rich, Danielle, Jason, Rene, Rasmus, Andrew, Cindy, Sam, Dubble, John, Gary, Steven, Chris, Chris, Carly, JAMES GORDON, David, Dave, Dorothy, Chris, Ryan, Sam, David, Jon, Cameron, Karl, and a whole slew more that I didn't get a good chance to talk to that much, and should have. It was a blast, oh my goodness. Here is a picture pool of NEWW that you c
an rummage thru. The ones I took are here.
Unfortunately, Gunshow took a bit of a hit and I was only able to eek out one comic this week. Sorry for that. Getting back and dealing with school/money/looking for a new apartment took up my time. But, I'll be back in full effect next week. This weekend tho, you get a saturday and sunday of HV to make up for last sunday. That is going to happen, oh yes. There Will Be Blood.
Soon I am gonna have some new sketchbooks to auction off! One that is fresh and recently finished and one from two years ago?!?!? WHICH WILL BE FIRST?? Stay tuned. And also soon: SHIRTS???? STAY EVEN MORE TUNED.
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