

I will be at Connecticon '09 this weekend! Artist Coloney! Table 67B! If you are lost, ask someone who works there! I will not be held responsible for your lack of a sense of direction!!! >:0 Here is a fun promo page for my trip there!

I will have minis, oh yes. The Gunshow 3 Minis, THE COLD GUTS (new sketchbook mini), Cleanest Boy with the Nicest Hair (old sketchbook mini), Frikkin Gnomes (classic fav), and if we can get them done by then, a mini comic version of the ANIME CLUB, which would include the original 4 comics from Gunshow and the entire Part 1 of their story!

So, stop on by! Come say hi!


Guest Strips and Limited Prints

All Gunshow 3 Minis have been shipped off! Hopefully you'll get yours soon if you ordered one. If I got any leftover from Conneticon, I'll pop them online to sell. And if they demand is high, I'll make more. But for now, that looks like that for GS3M!

Anyway! I'm now starting preorders on some Limited Prints of the Gunshow Watchmen Parody Comics I did for a week. Check out the comics here and if you like them, get a print or two! I'm gonna let this go for a week, so get some now! IF U DARE.

MORE GUEST COMICS!!! Kinokofry and Bellen! are lookin handsome with some KC in 'em, oh yeah >:0