

I got another sketchbook up for auction! This one contains some comics that were used in my old comic Droop Power! And a lot of material that has never been seen! Please go down town on that auction!

Also, as far as I'm concerned, the Gunshow Vol1 book is going to be printed. Thanks you all of you who preordered! And to those who didnt, GUESS WHAT! YOU STILL CAN! I'm goin for a big run, so if you still want a copy, you can still preorder one! I'll be sure to update you when orders go out.



OH SHOOT! It's time for a good ol' fashioned PREORDER. I'm taking that step, and I'm bringing you with me!

The first Gunshow collection, entitled QUESTION HOUND'S PUZZLETORIUM, is now ready for preorder! I'm gettin the funds ready to get me some books and I need your help to get 'em!

So please order one and/or tell others about it! Anyone you think might like silly jokes, dirty jokes, Watchmen parodies, Scott Pilgrim parodies or puns about egg nog! Tell the hell out of them about Gunshow and this book!



The best little guy.



We got some mini comics up for sale on Etsy! A quick rundown!!

Gunshow The 3 Minis: collecting the 3 mini comics that came before the webcomic! Limited supply in stock! More could be made if the demand is high.

Anime Club: Collecting the first four gunshow comics and the entire "porn at the library" story!

The Cold Guts: brand new sketchbook mini. New material NEVER BEFORE SEEN

Frikkin Gnomes: Probably the last time I will reprint this mini comic! Get on now or NEVER AGAIN.

Did i mention that I will also be doodling in every order? For free???? Buy some now!



I will be at Connecticon '09 this weekend! Artist Coloney! Table 67B! If you are lost, ask someone who works there! I will not be held responsible for your lack of a sense of direction!!! >:0 Here is a fun promo page for my trip there!

I will have minis, oh yes. The Gunshow 3 Minis, THE COLD GUTS (new sketchbook mini), Cleanest Boy with the Nicest Hair (old sketchbook mini), Frikkin Gnomes (classic fav), and if we can get them done by then, a mini comic version of the ANIME CLUB, which would include the original 4 comics from Gunshow and the entire Part 1 of their story!

So, stop on by! Come say hi!