

Hey! If you check rumblo you may notice a banner UP TOP that says something about Mini Comics for Sale! This is correct. I opened an Etsy Shop to get rid of the last remaining minis I had left over from past conventions from this year so far.

Seems to be doing well! I might restock if the demand is there for some of them, as I only had little copies of Frikkin Gnomes and WC2 left.

Also, I should mention, all orders from the Etsy Shop will get their copies Signed and Sketched™ in be me! Get in there while the gettin is good!


Sketchbook Ebay

I got a new Sketchbook Auction up! LOOK AT IT!!! LOOK AT IT AND BID!!! BIDDD!!!!! YYYEEEAAAHHHHHH.

That is if you want to, please.

Also, this new program called Algebra Vision is up for sale! It's an education program that I did some art for! If you are a teacher or bad at Algebra, maybe try it???? Or maybe you got a kid you wanna teach algebra! This is for you!


Hagrid is my banker.

Still on break but here is a fun comic for you, in the meantime.


Break Time

Dear readers, I need to take a break from Gunshow for awhile. I can't really deal with a daily comic right now, as multitude of things need taking care of first. One big one is moving. I'm already at the new place, but I still need to get the smaller things and also clean up the old apartment. Basically, shit you don't care about.

"I don't care about you, KC" you cry, "I just want comics!" Well, Gunshow will be on hold while I fix things here, but Horribleville will continue, as I plan to end it with strip #150, and I would like to keep with that schedule. I'll keep you updated on when Gunshow returns. Just subscribe to the RSS feed for easy updates about it.

SHIRT NEWS: To those who bought a shirt from Topatoco: Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. Unfortunately, one design had to be pulled for lack of preorders, but Where One Falls, More Will Stand. I got at least 3 more in the works, so don't you worry. I'll make sure you know about that too.

Thank you, again.



It happened again, dear readers!! >Someone took a Horribleville and spruced it up, but actually ANIMATING IT!!! Wowzers! And they up the Creep Factor on this one almost..... Too well.

OHHWHATTHE!! Ha ha! Faaaaantastic.



Hey! A fan made a puppet reenactment of last Saturday's HV! It's the keenest knees so, check it out:

That is just killer. This needs to happen more GUYS >:|

'Nother cool thing going around: Michael Kupperman's blog! He is the best cartoonist and one of my favorites. Go read some of that then go pick up his series "TALES DESIGNED TO THRIZZLE." Also don't forget about MY SHIRTS ON SALE AT TOPATOCO, okay good bye.